The Wyandot County Safe Communities Coalition and local law enforcement agencies are saddened to report one local traffic fatality in the first quarter of 2023. Over this same period in 2022, Wyandot County reported zero traffic fatalities.
According to statistics from the Ohio Department of Traffic Safety, as of April 3 there have been 237 confirmed traffic fatalities statewide in 2023, one fewer than this same period last year.
As the weather turns nicer, more motorists will be on the roadways traveling for vacations, special occasions like prom and graduation parties, spring festivities and more. Nice weather also means more motorcycle, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic on local roadways. It is important that everyone using the roadways does so responsibly. Follow these traffic safety tips:
·Avoid distracted driving. Lock your screen before you rock the road. Learn more about Ohio’s new distracted driving law at
·Remember, seat belts save lives. Buckle up for every trip.
·Slow down. Speeding fatalities have continued to increase over the past few years nationwide, rising a dramatic 17% from 2019 to 2020 and another estimated 5% from 2020 to 2021. Even advancements in vehicle safety and passenger protection cannot keep people safe from the dangers of speeding.
·Plan ahead when drinking or using impairing substances. Use a designated sober driver.
Remember to be safe, smart, and alert as you travel the roadways. For more information on traffic safety, follow @WyandotHealth on favorite social media channels.