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Marion County Dog Tags One Sale NOW!

 BUY YOUR DOG LICENSES by Tuesday, January 31st, 2023

By Ohio law on Wednesday, February 1st, the price of a dog licenses will double in all counties.

Tuesday, January 31st, is the last day to purchase your 2023 dog tags without a penalty.

1)     Marion County Auditor’s Office is open Monday – Friday from 8:30 to 4:30 PM

2)    Send an application with payment to 222 West Center St, Marion, OH 43302

3)    Online registration until 11:59PM on January 31 http://www.co.marion.oh.us/auditor/index.php/dog-tags 

4)    Dog Warden’s Office is open 10:00 to 6:00 PM Monday – Friday and

Saturday 10:00AM -4:00 PM

2023 Altered Premium (Spayed/Neutered) tag(s), with proof

1)     One-year tag is $18.00 per dog.

2)    Three-year tag is $54.00 per dog.

3)    Lifetime tag is $180.00 per dog

Qualifying for Altered Premium Discounted Rates

Proof is required on the initial registration for a discount. To qualify for the discount your dog must be “Spayed/Neutered” with Veterinarian letter referencing spayed/neutered status.


 2023 Dog Tag(s) (Not Spayed/Neutered)

1)     One-year tag is $20.00 per dog.

2)    Three-year tag is $60.00 per dog.

3)    Lifetime tag is $200.00 per dog.

Kennel tags are only sold at the Dog Warden’s office.

If you no longer own a dog, please contact us at either location:

Marion County Auditor’s Office                           Dog Warden’s Office    

222 W. Center St                                                2252 Richland Rd

Marion, Ohio 43302                                           Marion, Ohio 43302

740-223-4020                                                     740-386-6150

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