Local News WMRN

Local News WMRN


Marion County is NOW at a Level 3 Snow Emergency!


At 09:16 a.m. on December 23rd, 2022, Sheriff Matt Bayles issued a level three snow advisory for Marion County. Primary and secondary roadways are drifted shut and impassable due to still falling snow and high winds. All roadways are closed to all non-emergency traffic. Driving is prohibited unless it is due to an emergency, essential business or work travel only. Those traveling on closed roadways for other than an emergency or essential travel may be subject to arrest. 


LEVEL 1 – Roadways are extremely hazardous with accumulated, and/or blowing snow and/or drifting snow. Roads may be icy. Motorists should use extreme caution while driving and limit travel.

LEVEL 2 – Roadway conditions have become dangerous to routine traffic with accumulate, and/or blowing and/or drifting snow. Icing may be taking place by means of freezing rain, sleet, or packed snow. Only travel that is essential, or of an emergency nature, should be attempted. Employees should contact employers to see if they should report to work.

LEVEL 3 - All roadways are closed to all non-emergency traffic. Driving is prohibited unless it is due to an emergency, essential business or work travel only. Those traveling on closed roadways for other than emergency or essential travel may be subject to arrest.

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