The Marion Public Library mission clearly states they are in the "business" of providing lifelong learning opportunities. The Library is again offering their Adult Lifelong Learning (ALL) program, where local residents 18 and older can take classes in a wide variety of subjects. Ten classes are being finalized to start March 8 and run through April 14. The classes typically consist of multiple sessions and will be led by subject-matter experts, educators and academic faculty.
“We are excited to again fill a need that continues to get praise from our community participants. We love that these classes offer an inquisitive learning component and the social connections many seek,” said Gary Branson, Executive Director of Marion Public Library. “Learning doesn’t end on graduation day.”
Sample classes include: An Introduction to BlockChain and Its Potential; Reliving the Crystal Lake Years; Library Book Buzz; Travel Tips, Tricks and Tours and more. Those interested in participating can register for classes starting February 21 by visiting the front desk of the Marion Public Library. The pricing structure will remain the same as last year with the first two classes being $25 and each additional course only $5.
Stop by the Library to pick up your copy of the Spring course list or download one from the website at
For more information about the Library’s programs and services, please call 740-387-0992 or visit their website at