Starting December 20th, Marion Public Health will begin offering 1st, 2nd, and booster walk-in COVID19 vaccinations Monday – Friday from 9:00am – 4:00pm while our supplies last to anyone aged 5 and up. The vaccine will be available at the health department located at 181 S. Main Street during those hours through December 30th. The 1st dose will be based on vaccine availability and $100.00 prepaid gift cards will be available while supply lasts for all Marion County residents that receive their 1st dose at our walk-in clinic. Anyone ages 5-17 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or guardian and a photo ID is required. Please note that Marion Public Health will close at 12:00pm on December 23rd and be closed for Christmas on December 24th.
For the safety of our patients, as well as our staff, Marion Public Health has a mask requirement for anyone coming into the building. Disposable masks will be available or you can bring your own. All health department employees will be wearing masks.