The Wyandot County Health Alliance is asking Wyandot County citizens to review the latest draft of the 2021 Community Health Assessment (CHA), which now includes data from Wyandot County youth.
The draft is posted for community review on Wyandot County Public Health’s website at Also on the website is the link to a survey that community members are asked to take after reviewing the draft, which is available at
The Wyandot County Health Alliance is seeking questions, comments, and observances regarding results of the CHA before the assessment draft is finalized to ensure the information is accessible to the community and easily understood. The CHA data informs the Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) objectives, which will be set forth by the health alliance in coming months via strategic planning meetings.
The community also is invited to participate in the Wyandot County Health Alliance’s upcoming review of the 2021 CHA draft, which will focus on the newly added youth data. The conference may be accessed at 9 a.m. Dec. 21 by calling the Wyandot County conference bridge at 419-294-1741 and using the conference room number #2222.
In addition to reviewing the youth data in the CHA draft, the health alliance also will aim to review Wyandot County’s current CHIP, to officially approve the 2021 CHA and to tentatively schedule a community forum and strategic planning meetings for the upcoming CHIP.
Those with questions, comments, or concerns may contact Wyandot County Public Health at 419-294-3852.