Local News WMRN

Local News WMRN



The National Alliance on Mental Illness of Marion and Crawford Counties (NAMI-MCC) will offer a series of 8 Saturday Family-to-Family classes beginning January 8, 2022, from 9:00am to 1:00pm. Family-to-Family classes are free educational programs for family members, significant others and friends of people living with mental illness. The classes are taught by NAMI-trained facilitators to help persons understand and be supportive of loved ones living with mental illness.

Due to Covid-19 restrictions and social distancing, classes will be limited to 8 persons.

Unvaccinated participants are asked to wear masks and following social distancing guidelines

during the training is recommended. Class sessions will be held at Marion-Crawford ADAMH

Office, 142 S. Prospect Street (rear), Marion, 0hio 43302.

For further information and to register for Family-to-Family classes, please call 740-375-0796 or email: Jeana Johnson, NAMI-MCC Executive Director at namimarioncrawfordoh@gmail.com, Attn: Family to Family Classes with contact name, email address and phone number. Class participants will be contacted by either Jeana, or Facilitators Alena Fox or Becky Weisenauer to confirm registration and provide further instructions.

NAMI-MCC also provides free CONNECTION recovery support groups three times monthly and gives referrals to individuals to local agencies where other mental health treatment, support, and recovery services are available. NAMI-MCC is seeking volunteers and members to help break the stigma around mental health and promote well-being in our local communities. Members can join for as little as $5.00 Annual Open-Door membership, attend monthly meetings, and enjoy the fellowship of other NAMI members as we help improve the lives of individuals and families in Marion and Crawford Counties.

Please call NAMI-MCC at 740-375-0796 with any questions, for more information, or for mental health support. At NAMI, we never give up hope.

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