Mark Patrick Seminar

Mark Patrick Seminars

That's Right. No matter how many diets you've tried or your past experiences trying to lose weight, THIS PROGRAM IS DESIGNED TO HELP YOU LOSE WEIGHT without hunger, without starvation dieting or your money back.

How Does It Work? My program combines hypnosis, programming, guided visual imagery and other powerful nutritional technologies designed to help eliminate unwanted craving, eat smaller portions, eliminate late day eating binges, increase energy and improve sleep. With our method of clinical hypnosis you are aware, IN CONTROL. You move, think, hear and concentrate without the slightest effort. You'll leave feeling refreshed, feeling good.

Will It Work For Me? This program is designed so you can lose 15lbs, 30lbs, 50lbs or more quickly and safely. It is designed to SEE RESULTS WITHIN DAYS. Even if you have tried every diet that existed and failed. That's okay. My guarantee still stands. This program is designed so you START LOSING WEIGHT IMMEDIATELY and gain control over your eating--WE GUARANTEE IT or your money back. Join us and start losing weight today!

Hypnosis is a powerful tool that complements your diet and exercise program. As we all know, changing our lifestyle makes permanent weight loss possible. Imagine eliminating unwanted cravings forever, or feeling full quicker? Imagine eating smaller portions, and feeling motivated to exercise! Imagine improved sleep, and no more late night eating binges? Imagine eliminating boredom eating, stress eating and emotional eating, ONCE AND FOR ALL!! Imagine the possibilities!!

April 3, 2019

Location: Best Western Plus University Inn at 2117 Marion Mt. Gilead Rd., Marion, OH 43302

Lose Weight Seminar with Hypnosis 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM register now at

Stop Smoking Seminar with Hypnosis 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM Register today at

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