Paleontology In The Park At The Tallgrass Trail Nature Center

The Marion County Park District will be hosting Paleontology in the Park at the Tallgrass Trail Nature Center, 2093 Holland Road West on Saturday, June 8, from 1:00 PM until 5:00 PM. This free program is suitable for children and adults of all ages. Special guest this year will be Paleontologist and Curator of OSU’s Orton Geological Museum, Dale Gnidovec. Participants will also get to meet Rick Haver, an OSUM student in 1976, who helped to excavate the remains of Marion’s own Woolly Mammoth within sight of the current Trail, and Carol Bowman who as Director of OSUM’s Science Lab has served as “keeper of the bones.” Those completing 4 of the 10 activities will receive free 450 million year old Ordovician fossils and young children digging in the Dino Dig will take home a small toy dinosaur. Learn where you can hunt for fossils in our state, enjoy a dinosaur table game and make a dinosaur craft. Look for the home of the modern beavers in our lake while learning about prehistoric beavers as big as bears, and contemplate another body of water, the Devonian Sea, that covered Marion 380 million years ago. Get your dinosaur questions answered and find out how accurate Jurassic Park and Jurassic World were or who a real life Indiana Jones may have been. Learn whether or not dinosaurs are really extinct and if they ever lived in Ohio. Explore four and a half billion years of earth’s history by walking the Path to the Past.

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